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Discover how the Programme works

The European Funds for Eastern Poland programme offers additional funds (apart from the support provided under regional and other national programmes) to accelerate the development of the Eastern voivodeships.

The programme will facilitate the consolidation of conditions fostering the competitiveness of the economy and a higher quality of life in Eastern Poland.


  • supporting the competitiveness and innovation of companies
  • increasing the attractiveness of cities and improving the quality of life in era of climate change
  • enhanced railway and road accessibility
  • socio-economic development through tourism


European Funds for Eastern Poland is financed from European Regional Development Fund from which EUR 2,65 billion has been allocated to the Programme.

Allocation of European Funds for Eastern Poland for individual priorities:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation EUR 500 million
  • Energy and Climate EUR 430 million
  • Sustainable urban mobility EUR 420 million
  • Cohesive transport network EUR 1120 million
  • Sustainable Tourism - EUR 140,4 million

Territorial scope

Lubelskie Voivodeship | Podkarpackie Voivodeship | Podlaskie Voivodeship | Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship | Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship | Mazowieckie Voivodeship excluding Warsaw and its surrounding districts


Entrepreneurship: support for start-ups, innovation through design change, automation and robotisation, transformation of business models towards a circular economy, loans for investment in tourism

Energy and climate: development of smart energy grids, adaptation of cities to climate change, investment in nature conservation, raising environmental awareness and sustainable urban mobility

Transport: development of trans-regional road and rail infrastructure

Sustainable tourism: creation of supra-regional tourist trails

Who may apply for support?

The programme is targeted at, among others:

  • micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
  • innovation centres
  • electricity distribution system operators
  • local government units (i.a. regions and selected cities)
  • national parks
  • railway infrastructure administrators: PKP PLK S.A. and PKP S.A.
  • non-governmental organisations

All residents of Eastern Poland, tourists and investors will benefit from the effects of the programme.

What can be done?

The European Funds for Eastern Poland programme offers additional funds (apart from the support provided under regional and other national programmes) to accelerate the development of the Eastern voivodeships.

The Programme has five priorities:

  1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  2. Energy and Climate
  3. Sustainable urban mobility
  4. Cohesive transport network
  5. Sustainable tourism

I. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The main objective is to increase productivity and innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Eastern Poland. Through the support, companies will be better prepared to face global challenges related to digitalisation, automation of production and combating climate change, in accordance with the assumptions of the European Green Deal. Support for start-ups will help create new, highly specialised jobs and will prevent the outflow of skilled workers from the macroregion.

I.1 Start-Up Platforms for the new ideas

The support for start-ups. Earmarked for individuals who want to set up and manage their company in the macroregion of Eastern Poland and develop it on the national and international market. Eligible ideas will be developed through comprehensive incubation programmes in the Start-up Platforms. The best start-ups will receive non-refundable subsidies for continued business development.

I.2 Automation and Robotisation in SMEs

The support will help companies to change their business model towards Industry 4.0 solutions. Comprehensive support will be provided for the technology audit followed by the implementation of the solutions developed, including training of employees.

I.3 Circular economy in SMEs

The support will comprise the development of a company business model in line with the circular economy (CE) assumptions, followed by its implementation. The changes introduced will not only contribute to the company’s distinctive position on the market, but also reduce operating costs through more rational management of resources, including waste, mitigating CO2 emissions, saving the consumption of energy and raw materials.

I.4 Design in SMEs

The support will cover conducting an audit as well as preparing and implementing a design strategy that will help to improve the company's innovativeness. Creating a product or service that is better tailored to the needs of the end customer and applying a consistent brand promotion policy will give the company a better opportunity to become successful in the market.

I.5 Loans for Tourism Development

Intended for the improvement of micro, small and mediumsized enterprises operating in the tourism industry, e.g. the development and retrofitting of accommodation or catering facilities, the development of sports and recreational infrastructure, the manufacture of regional products, tourist transport and other tourism-related investments.

II. Energy and Climate

II.1 Energy Distribution

The support covers the development of smart power grids (distribution systems), contributing to the development of renewable energy sources as well as the electrification of transport and further industrial development. The investment will improve the stability of energy supply to consumers and reduce transmission losses

The support will be provided to projects involving, among others: installation of smart grid solutions, combining the electricity infrastructure with modern ICT technologies, construction and modernisation of power lines (including overhead and cable lines), replacement of transformers, construction and modernisation of Main Power Supply Stations and network switching stations.

II.2 Adaptation to Climate Change

The support for increasing the resilience of cities to the threats posed by climate change, using nature-based solutions. The support will cover investment related to green and blue infrastructure in the city, e.g. the creation of parks, rain gardens and urban meadows, green corridors (links between green areas), urban ponds and waterholes and improving the flow of urban canals or rivers.

The investment projects will also comprise upgrading existing city space with the aim to eliminate urban heat islands, facilitate the absorption of water into the ground, prevent its rapid evaporation during drought periods and accumulation on the surface during heavy rains. The preparation of planning documents for adaptation to climate change by the cities of Eastern Poland will also be supported.

II.3 Biodiversity

The support earmarked for investment in active protection of nature and biodiversity within NATURA 2000 sites. The projects to be implemented will help to open ecological corridors of supraregional importance and restore their continuity. Investment will involve removing barriers and artificial limitations, building culverts and animal crossings, connecting fragmented forest complexes into compact and continuous landscape structures.

The support will also be allocated for mitigating the adverse impact on ecosystems and appropriate channelling of tourist traffic in national parks. Grants will also be provided for projects in the field of ecological education: development of the educational facilities in national parks, raising environmental awareness and promoting environmentally-friendly attitudes; the activities will be targeted at local governments, entrepreneurs, local communities, including children and the youth.

III.1 Sustainable urban mobility

The implementation of complex investment projects in cities and their immediate surroundings (the so-called urban functional areas) enabling their residents to move around in a convenient and environmentallyfriendly way. The investments will comprise:

  • purchase of ecological means of public transport – zeroemission rolling stock that does not emit air pollutants (trams, trolleybuses, electric and hydrogenpowered buses);
  • construction,reconstruction and upgrading of infrastructure for the needs of public transport and other related forms of mobility in the city (pedestrian traffic, cycling and other active forms of mobility), including integration (combining) of various forms of transport in the form of interchange centres;
  • digitalisation of the urban transport system: ITS (Intelligent Transport System) , e-ticketing, information and travel planning, linked to the implementation of tariff integration (combined ticket) and the ”Mobility as a Service” concept.

The programme will also support developing and/or updating the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

IV. Cohesive transport network

IV.1 Road infrastructure

The investments will seek to create the necessary links to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), border crossings and other sustainable transport modes (e.g. intermodal terminals, railway hubs), and facilitate public transport. An important element of support will be the construction or reconstruction of bypasses and spot investments to improve traffic safety. Development of charging or refuelling infrastructure for electric or zero-emission cars will also be possible.

IV.2 Supra-regional railway infrastructure

The projects will focus on the redevelopment, modernisation or regeneration of railway lines, improving their technical parameters. They will also cover investments in passenger service infrastructure, such as stops and railway stations. The investments will include the adjustment of facilities to the needs of people with reduced mobility, improved traffic safety and convenient transfers to another mode of public transport e.g. bus. The projects will cover railway line sections of major importance for increasing the accessibility of the macroregion.

V. Sustainable Tourism

The support for investment in facilities or sites which, by their linking, will create a consistent product - a tourist trail (e.g. historical, cultural, natural, landscape). The investments will be developed with respect for the natural environment and "Do No Significant Harm" principle.

Supra-regional tourism products (trails) with the strongest potential to attract tourists will be supported, in particular those related to the development of cycling routes, infrastructure for canoe and campervans.

The support will cover:

  • reconstruction or development of facilities and space forming a part of the integrated tourist product and infrastructure facilitating access to the places mentioned above, including for persons with disabilities
  • activities in the area of digitalisation of the trail offer (e.g. availability, online service)
  • development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the management and development of the tourism product